May 12, 2010


Alright, I better explain the title. Farlang means "foreigner" in Laotian or Thai (I don't even know for sure). I was inspired by a story I read about a couple who got a farlang roll on a sushi menu in a Laotian village. They were craving peanut butter like crazy, which I can totally relate to (see my Rome blog if you don't believe me), so they "invented" a sushi roll with peanut butter, bananas and a bit of honey all wrapped up in rice and nori.

I wanted a title that incorporated a word from another language, and given my severely limited knowledge of Chinese, that was tricky. So I went with "farlang." It's easy to say, easy to spell, and with any luck, simple enough to keep you coming back to read what I have to say.

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